2021 Harley-Davidson® Street® for sale in Wildhorse Harley-Davidson®, Bend, Oregon


Central Oregon Chapter H.O.G.® Logo

More than a million members around the globe! H.O.G.® (Harley Owners Group®) is the largest factory sponsored motorcycle enthusiast group in the world.

H.O.G.® is so much more than just a motorcycle group though. It is one million people around the world united by a common passion: making the Harley-Davidson® dream a way of life.

Being a member offers access to a host of benefits and services including the quarterly H.O.G.® magazine, Chapter membership, the Touring Handbook, events and rallies, H.O.G.® Assist emergency road side recovery services and much more. Live to Ride Ride to Eat!

Our Central Oregon Harley Owners Group® (COHOG®) is one of the best Chapters out there, in our humble opinion.

If you are considering joining the family, please reach out to us here at the store, check here for upcoming events, or follow them on Facebook here! We'd love to have you!!

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